Big Ten trophy buck at Turtle Creek Outfitters

Back when BigTen showed up with a doe on a warm autumn afternoon, I had to scramble to find the video camera. After finding the camera, I shot this video from inside the lodge.

I was outside the lodge, in a t-shirt, when I spotted a doe running up the savanna, followed by a sizable buck. Didn’t think it was BigTen until I found the binoculars and verified that it actually was. Then I had to locate the video camera downstairs in one of many pockets of hunting gear. You know how that goes.

Both the buck and doe bed down for half an hour. Then as BigTen was browsing, the doe slowly wandered off. I believe this video shows when BigTen realized he lost the doe. The trophy buck then clears out of the brush into the goldenrod, then picks up her scent, and takes a hard right to follow the doe.



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